Jie Luo, M.A.

Jie Luo received her Master's degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology from the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at Beijing Normal University in July 2021. Her research interests intersect cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychopathology, and translational work in education. As part of her research, Jie hopes to bridge the gap between cognitive neuroscience and educational practice in order to benefit individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders in the future. Currently, she is working for the B.R.A.I.N. CAMP project, which aims to improve children's reading and math skills through 5 weeks of intensive intervention. Her goal is to examine neural mechanisms of reading development and neural signatures of successful reading instruction/learning interventions. She is also working for a national-wide NIH project called “Network to Advance the Study of Mechanisms Underlying Mind-Body Interventions and Measurement of Emotional Well-Being”, she is interested in finding the underlying neural mechanisms of emotional well-being.