Affect and Arousal Scale (AFARS)

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Chorpita, B. F., Daleiden, E. L., Moffitt, C., Yim, L., & Umemoto, L. A. (2000). Affect and Arousal Scale (AFARS) [Database record]. APA PsycTests.
General information
Purpose The AFARS Measures core emotional factors in children and adolescents, including positive affect, negative affect, and physiological hyperarousal, in contrast to instruments that measure specific symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Domain(s) Positive Affect
Target population Child
Number of items 27
Administration format self-report
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Availability in other languages Dutch, Serbian, Mandarin
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure

Please contact Bruce F. Chorpita to obtain rating scales, scoring instructions, and norm tables free of charge.

Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies

Bruce F Chorpita, Eric L Daleiden, Catherine Moffitt, Letitia Yim, & Lori A Umemoto. (2000). Assessment of Tripartite Factors of Emotion in Children and Adolescents I: Structural Validity and Normative Data of an Affect and Arousal Scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 22(2), 141–.

Daleiden, E., Chorpita, B.F. & Lu, W. Assessment of Tripartite Factors of Emotion in Children and Adolescents II: Concurrent Validity of the Affect and Arousal Scales for Children. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 22, 161–182 (2000).

Additional information