Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale (LSS)

View Measure
Heal, L. W., & Chadsey-Rusch, J. (1985). The Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale (LSS): Assessing individuals' satisfaction with residence, community setting, and associated services. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 6(4), 475–490.
General information
Purpose To assess people with intellectual disability’s satisfaction with their residence and its community setting and associated services.
Domain(s) Life Satisfaction
Positive Affect
Target population Adult
Number of items 29
Administration format self-report
Additional formats
Alternate forms
Availability in other languages
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure
Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies
Lai Chun Yu, A., Joseph Jupp, J., & Taylor, A. (1996). The discriminate validity of the Lifestyle Satisfaction Scale (LSS) for the assessment of Australian adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 21(1), 3–15.
Additional information

The measure is a refined and reframed version of the 1980 Residential Satisfaction Scale, which was developed by Novak, Health, Pilewski, and Laidlaw.