Scale of Happiness of the Memorial University of Newfoundland

View Measure
Kozma, A., & Stones, M. J. (1980). The measurement of happiness: Development of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH). Journal of Gerontology, 35(6), 906-912.
General information
Purpose The Scale of Happiness of the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUNSH) is a self-report measure of subjective well-being containing 24 items that address affect during the preceding month and longer-term affective experiences. Although initially intended for use with older people, its later usage includes adults of any age.
Domain(s) Life Satisfaction
Positive Affect
Target population Adult
Number of items 24
Administration format self-report
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Availability in other languages
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure

The MUNSH can be hound here.

Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies
Martín-María, N., Lara, E., Cresswell-Smith, J., Forsman, A. K., Kalseth, J., Donisi, V., . . . Miret, M. (2021). Instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age: A systematic review. Aging and Mental Health, 25(7), 1191-1205. doi:10.1080/13607863.2020.1774742
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