Social Production Function Instrument for the Level of Well-being (SPF-IL)

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Nieboer, Anna & Lindenberg, Siegwart & Boomsma, Anne & Bruggen, Alinda. (2005). Dimensions Of Well-Being And Their Measurement: The Spf-Il Scale. Social Indicators Research. 73. 313-353. 10.1007/s11205-004-0988-2.
General information
Purpose Social production function (SPF) theory asserts that the universal goals affection, behavioral confirmation, status, comfort and stimulation are the relevant dimensions of subjective well-being. Realization of these substantive goals and the perspective on opportunities to realize these goals in the future contributes to the affective and cognitive component of well-being. To measure levels of affection, […]
Domain(s) Positive Affect
Target population Adult
Number of items 58
Administration format self-report
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Alternate forms

A 15-item short version

Availability in other languages Dutch
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure
Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies
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