Subjective Quality of Life Profile (SQLP)

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Dazord A, Leizorovicz A, Gerin P, Boissel JP. Quality of life of patients during treatment of type I diabetes. Importance of a questionaire focused on the subjective quality of life. Diabete Metabol 1994; 20: 465–72.
General information
Purpose The Subjective Quality of Life Profile (SQLP) is a patient administered questionnaire which assesses subjective quality of life. This questionnaire has been validated and used mainly in somatic medical studies and then was introduced into the area of psychiatry. The questionnaire takes into account patients’ aptitude to change, degree of satisfaction, importance attributed to various […]
Domain(s) Goal Pursuit
Life Satisfaction
Positive Affect
Quality of Life
Sense of Meaning
Target population Adult
Number of items 27
Administration format self-report
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Availability in other languages French
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure
Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies
Dazord, A., Astolfl, F., Guisti, P., Rebetez, M.-C., Mino, A., Terra, J.-L., & Brochier, C. (1998). Quality of Life Assessment in Psychiatry: The Subjective Quality of Life Profile (SQLP) -- First Results of a New Instrument. Community Mental Health Journal, 34(5), 525–535.
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