Daniel Hernandez-Torrano
Advancing the conceptualization and measurement of emotional well-being through psychological network analysis
Nazarbayev University, Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Education
Desiree Murray
Leveraging Ecological Momentary Assessment to Identify Patterns and Predictors of Emotional Wellbeing in Adolescents
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Research Scientist, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Zi Jia Ng
A Validation of Two New Tools forAssessing and Improving Adolescents’ Emotional Well-being in Schools
Yale University, Associate Research Scientist

Caroline Richter
Evaluation of a measure of socio-emotional competencies in children and adolescents
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Assistant Professor
Anthony Roberson
Toward a Pragmatic Understanding of Emotional Wellbeing Measurement with Youth
University of Houston Clear Lake, Assistant Professor of School & Health Service Psychology

Keith Sanford
Developing an Everyday Wellbeing Appraisal Scale for Behavioral Health Research
Baylor University, Professor of Psychology