
Life Satisfaction Index (LSI)

The Life Satisfaction Index (LSI) covers general feelings of well–being among older people to identify “successful” aging. The concept of life satisfaction is closely related to morale, adjustment and psychological well-being. The LSI intends to measure 5 components of life satisfaction which include zest (as opposed to apathy), resolution and fortitude, congruence between desired and achieved goals, positive self-concept and mood tone.

Caregiver Well-Being Scale – Rapid Assessment

The 6-item version of the Caregiver Well-Being Scale (CWBS) designs to help family caregivers, clinicians, and researchers identify areas of caregiver strength and areas in which additional support is needed.

EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-Being

The EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-Being assesses 5 positive psychological characteristics (Engagement, Perseverance, Optimism, Connectedness, and Happiness) that might foster well-being, physical health, and other positive outcomes in adulthood.

Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index (Ferrans and Powers QLI)

The Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index (QLI) was developed to measure quality of life in terms of satisfaction with life. The QLI is unique in the way that importance ratings are used to weight satisfaction responses, such that scores reflect satisfaction with the aspects of life that are valued by the individual. Measuring quality of life in this way produces a very individualized, value-based assessment of quality of life from the perspective of the individual assessed.

BBC Well-being Scale

The BBC Subjective Well-Being Scale is a 24-item self report questionnaire designed to measure people’s subjective experiences across the physical health, psychological health, independence, social relationships, environment and spiritual quality of life.

Caregiver Well-Being Scale

The Caregiver Well-Being Scale is for Social Workers and other helping professionals to use this self-administered scale to help caregivers examine the areas of their lives in which they can best care for themselves, and discuss areas in which they would like to improve.