The 16-item FAMQOL is a brief, easy-to-administer instrument that has evidence of reliability and validity in family caregivers. Physical, psychological, and social well-being can be measured with 4-item subscales. |
Chinese Aging Well Profile (CAWP)
To measure subjective well-being in Chinese adults (50+) using a multi-dimensional culturally sensitive instrument that can be applied to large population samples. |
Quality of My Life questionnaire (QoML)
The QoML questionnaire issued to measure QoL as ‘global’ con-structs. The questionnaire consists of two single-item statements measured on visual analogue scales. |
Quality of Life Assessment Form
The measure assesses the areas of daily routine/aspects of daily life, involvement with community-based activities, involvement in domestic tasks, and responsibility for making decisions in their own lives. |
Multi-dimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS)
The MSLSS is a 40-item measure designed to provide a holistic assessment of the wellbeing of young people. It has five subscales: family, friends, school, living environment and self. Each segment can be considered separately. It is a validated tool, and has been tested for effectiveness in the USA and middle east. |
How Are You? (HAY)
The HAY covers the physical, social and psychological consequences of illness for children and consists of a generic, a chronic illness section and a disease-specific section. |
Control, Autonomy, Self-Realization, Pleasure (CASP-19)
The Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, Pleasure (CASP-19) is a 19-item self-report questionnaire used to measure the quality of life, 65-75 years. |
Caregiver-Targeted Quality-of-Life Measure (CGQOL)
The caregiver-targeted quality-of-life measure (CGQOL) is an 80-item designed to assess quality of life of informal caregivers of persons with dementia. |
World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF)
The WHOQOL-BREF was developed by the WHOQOL Group with fifteen international field centers, simultaneously, in an attempt to develop a quality of life assessment that would be applicable cross-culturally. The WHOQOL-BREF is an abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-100.
Self-Evaluation of Quality of Life (SEQOL)
Measure quality of life using a comprehensive, multidimensional, generic questionnaire.