Strong Souls

View Measure
Thomas, A., Cairney, S., Gunthorpe, W., Paradies, Y., & Sayers, S. (2010). Strong Souls: development and validation of a culturally appropriate tool for assessment of social and emotional well-being in Indigenous youth. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(1), 40-48.
General information
Purpose Strong Souls assesses the social and emotional wellbeing of Australian Aboriginal youth.
Domain(s) Life Satisfaction
Target population Child
Number of items 25
Administration format self-report
Additional formats
Alternate forms
Availability in other languages
Fee for use
Related information on use of the measure

The Strong Souls measure can be found here.

Non-exhaustive list of psychometric studies

Gorman, E., Heritage, B., Shepherd, C. C. J., & Marriott, R. (2021). Measuring social and emotional wellbeing in aboriginal youth using strong souls: A Rasch measurement approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16) doi:10.3390/ijerph18168425

Thomas, A., Cairney, S., Gunthorpe, W., Paradies, Y., & Sayers, S. (2010). Strong souls: Development and validation of a culturally appropriate tool for assessment of social and emotional well-being in indigenous youth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(1), 40-48. doi:10.3109/00048670903393589

Additional information

At the moment Strong Souls is freely available and recommended only for research or screening purposes. It has not yet been validated in a clinical setting and there are currently no guidelines or manual available for its use or scoring. More work is required before it is recommended for use in a clinical setting however we would be supportive of other groups that may wish to undertake some of this work.