
Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI)

Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI®) is a psychology assessment of well-being and satisfaction with life. The QOLI assesses positive mental health and happiness, and yields an overall score based on the “Sweet 16” areas that make up quality of life, including love, work and play.

Rehabilitation Questionnaire

This unique questionnaire describes an individual’s Quality of Life from a personal perspective. The questions can be used for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities and also for people with traumatic organ injuries and major visual defects.

General Well-Being Scale

The General well-being schedule is a self-administered questionnaire that focuses on one’s subjective feelings of psychological well-being and distress. The scale assesses how the individual feels about  “inner personal state”. It consists of 18 items covering six dimensions of anxiety, depression, general health, positive well-being, self-control and vitality.


Friedman Well-Being Scale

The Friedman well-being scale consists of a series of 20 opposite adjectives (e.g., angry vs. calm), designed to measure adult well-being. Respondents rate themselves by indicating the
extent that each of the adjectives applies to them using a 10-point semantic
differential-type scale.

Four Factor Wellness Inventory (4F-WEL)

The Four Factor Wellness Inventory (4F-WEL) is used to help individuals make healthier living choices by assessing characteristics of wellness. The 4F-WEL was developed from the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (WEL) and measures the higher order wellness factor along.

Five Factor Wellness Inventory (5F-WEL)

The Five Factor Wellness Inventory (FF-WEL) is used to help individuals make healthier living choices by assessing characteristics of wellness. The FF-WEL was developed from the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (WEL) and measures the higher order wellness factor along with five second order factors and seventeen discrete scales.

Child and Adolescent Wellness Scale (CAWS)

The Children and Adolescent Wellness Scale assesses children’s social-emotional competencies across 10 psychological domain areas. Using the web-based application, schools can set up universal screening windows to assess students’ CAWS SEL core competencies by Teachers, Parents and Students.

  • Determine a student’s SEL strengths and areas needing support
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of SEL curricula.

Public Health Surveillance Well-being Scale (PHS-WB)

The Public Health Surveillance Well-Being Scale is a brief, 10-item measure designed to assess mental, physical, and social health related to wellbeing.  Its design is intended to be used in national surveys or in situations in which a longer form is not feasible.